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Plink Mini is a multi-level handheld game that plays equally well as a mind-bending puzzle and as a fascinating fidget object. Despite its compact size, Plink Mini can be set up with hundreds of different challenges of various levels of difficulty. To play Plink mini, players set up a unique 3x3 board with colored tokens and blocker pieces. The board is designed to allow the tokens to shuffle into a new position when the board is rotated. This shuffling is controlled by the placement of the blockers, which can dramatically change how the pieces shuffle after rotation.

Each puzzle consists of an initial set up of pieces and blockers together with a target configuration. The player can rotate the board as many times as they in either direction to reach the target. These puzzles vary from fun and easy, to extremely challenging, with harder puzzles requiring solvers to develop a deep understanding of how the pieces shuffle when the board is rotated.

The board is also designed to be enjoyable just to shake around and handle as a figet object. So whether you’re interested in putting your puzzle solving ability to the test or simply in being mesmerized by the shuffling of the pieces, Plink Mini has hours of fun to offer.


The fascinating possibilities that the mechanics of the Plink board offer on a square grid become all the more intricate when played on a hexagonal grid. Now the board can be rotated in increments of 60 degrees, allowing for pieces to fall along three distinct axes instead of two! This variation makes rotational strategies even more important than in standard Plink, since there are now many more ways of permuting a given grid configuration by rotating the board.

A web app to play Plink Hex is currently under development.